In case you were wondering, the only thing more American than fried apple pie, is fried apple pie with ice cream. This week brought us to Oklahoma where the fried pies are the chosen dessert. I found a seemingly easy recipe and was excited to dive in. That was a bit of sarcasm. I hate dicing apples and making pie crusts. This recipe had both. Regardless, I sucked it up and prepared myself for the task on hand. First up... Dicing the apples. Three apples later, it was done. Thank goodness... I almost broke a sweat. Next came the pie crust. Pie crusts are finicky and delicate. I do not enjoy them. But with (what I thought) the hardest parts out of the way, I moved on to filling and frying. The making the filling part was easy... Cook the apples in spices, water, and sugar. Easy enough. Then came the filling. I thought I hated dicing and pie crusts... No. Filling the dreaded crusts with the dreaded diced apples, was an arduous task...